A word from Kontrapunkt: Since completing our first Kontrapunkt exhibition just over a year ago, the biggest revelation to us was how, despite not all being close as people beforehand, we had started experiencing the benefit (and the efficiency!) of shared trust and non-hierarchical decision-making processes – what we soon came to call the Kontrapunkt Method. As we reflected on its possibilities as a model for better living in the world, we knew we had to keep going because there was so much more that we could experiment with and learn. And not just among ourselves. The audience is, in fact, just as important in the Kontrapunkt Method, not simply as viewers but active participants in our collective gesture of art-making.
Read more here.
Group Exhibition
Rita Besnyoi, Vica Gábor, Lieta Marziali, Luca Sági
Date: 10–12.11.2023
Opening Times: 10–11.11.2023, 11:00–19:00; 12.11.2023, 11:00–16:00
Location: Mathilde Gallery–Singel 418, 1016 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands
Kontrapunkt in Conversation
Date & Time: 10-11.11.2023, 19:00-20:00
Location: Mathilde Gallery–Singel 418, 1016 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands
6 places available for each talk, please RSVP at kontrapunktproject@gmail.com
The Pool Jewelry is excited to present a group exhibition in which every piece has been made collaboratively between members. Our Cherished Chemistries, true jewelry Frankensteins, will be made by not one but by up to fifteen pairs of hands. A laboratory of techniques, mediums and imaginaries.
Read more here.
Group Exhibition
C. Bach, E. Bauer, M. Bones, P. Derrez, M. De Klerk, A. Gasparis, G. Goldsmith, F. Mommersteeg, ShinkaQ, T. Kukk, M. Turini, C. Valorso, S. Verhoef, S. Zobel
Date: 08–25.11.2023
Opening Times: 12:00–18:00
Location: The Pool Jewelry– Grimburgwal 4, 1012 GA Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tucked away in the fairy tale town of s’Hertogenbosch, is a magical hive of action and creativity at Tramkade 26. Where renowned artists enjoy enormous and enviably appointed studio spaces, adjoining facilities house world class photography labs, and there’s even a cozy wine bar and cafe’ down below to tranquilize and entertain between bouts of artistic productivity. Sound like a myth? Come see for yourself!
Read more here.
Lecture, Workshop & Tour
Ted Noten, Cecile Cremer (Keynote speaker), Ron Eskens (Photographer), Petra Janssen (Social Label)
Date: 04.11.2023
Opening Times: 14:30–21:00
Location: Tramkade 26, 5211 VB ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands – ATN, 2nd floor building A
Meet 14:30
Lecture 15:00
Workshop & Photos 16:00–17:30
Social Label Tour 17:30–18:15
Drinks 18:30
Limited spots, RSVP now to save your place.
Participation cost (including coffee & cookies) – 12.99€
Aside from making, lecturing and giving workshops, Daniela Malev has also written the book ‘To the Point – pin mechanisms and brooch back design’ which has been extremely well-received by contemporary jewellers worldwide. In her lecture during the workshop, Daniela will take you on a condensed journey through the history and the development of the brooch and also introduce some contents of her book.
Read more here.
Pin mechanism and brooch back design.
A 3-day workshop and lecture by Daniela Malev, hosted by Atelier David Gotlib.
Date: 24, 26, 27.11.2023
Opening Times: 10:00–17:00
Location: Atelier David Gotlib–Korte Klarenstraat 9, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

Fine jewellery studio and creative hub, Studio Patina will be exhibiting the work of their former student and now colleague, Julia Duff Hundermark. Julia’s debut collection, titled Elemental Connections will be on display throughout the weekend. The collection of Sterling Silver pieces, along with a selection of accompanying photographs by Amsterdam based fashion photographer Tim Verhallen, will be on display in the exhibition/storefront space of the studio.
Read more here.
Solo Exhibition and Open Studio
Sandra Savelli, Julia Duff Hundermark
Date & Time:
11.11.2023, 12:00–20:00,
12.11.2023, 12:00–17.00
Opening Event:
10.11.2023, 18:00–22:00
Location: Studio Patina – Eerste Leliedwarsstraat 6H, 1015 TA Amsterdam, Netherlands
Friday 10 November:
18:00 Julia Duff Elemental Connections – Festive opening
19:00–22:00 Patina’s 6th Anniversary Celebration
Saturday 11 November:
17:00 Lecture by Julia Duff Hundermark,
‘Jewellery Beyond Gender – Elemental Shapes for Human Connection’
Sunday 12 November:
Opening hours: 12:00–17.00
A rhizome of works by students, tutors and alumni of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, showcasing entanglements of their creative paths that cross over cultures, backgrounds, geographical borders, and time. Once influenced by each other, we still keep in the loop over the years, blending and mixing thoughts and practices. A thread to be hooked up to, again and again, allowing new branches to grow and evolve.
Read more here.
Group Exhibition
Arne Van De Mierop, Chanyoung Chang, Emma Gregory, Fengyang Jiang, Gaëlle Van Durme, Ildze Bogana, Jade Houben, Jill Depuydt, Julia Mercier, Karen Vanmol, Luca Sági, Machteld Lambeets, Seunggwan Kang, Shunxin Chen, Sophia Oberhauser, Vivi Touloumidi, Wieke Aerts, Xinyao Ding, Yuyeong Choi
Date: 21–26.11.2023
Opening Times: 12:00–18:00
Location: Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium

Cover image: The pool jewelry, pool babe 5, 2023, Courtesy of the artist.