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For this year’s Munich Jewellery Week, we are looking back on the past five fabulous years of MJW with 20/20 vision. In the years that Current Obsession has been a part of this celebration of contemporary jewellery’s diverse perspectives, we have come to know and love so many of you – not only for your forever-fascinating art, but also for the spark that each member of this international community brings to the table. We hold every venue, artist, instigator and jewel close to our hearts. This year, in an effort to dive a little deeper into the stories behind the shows, we are sharing some of the shows that we think exemplify this year’s thrilling MJW line-up, alongside a few mini-tidbits from the curators and artists that are making them happen. Here’s to all of you! And to the next 5, 10, and 100 years of Munich Jewellery Week.

In this exhibition, a wild crew of jewellery artists will merge their expansive worlds in a 120-square-metre presentation. Acrylic, palladium, pearl, silver, sand, stone, silicone, urethane, crystal, copper, titanium and glass will be churned into a delightful Life Soup. Jump on in! The primordial soup is just fine! 

‘Rising from the miasmic viscera, scrolling on the infinity of imagination, surrounding the forms of sensuality, burning in the boiling depths of volcanoes, crystalising in the depths of a microwave, growing from the experimentation of the lab, verging on the edge of the ethereal, intertwining with the sacral, blooming from the reflections of petroleum, or even crawling through diamond dust; all these vanitases travel through the elements to finally take shape in our vivid world.’ 


Tell us about the exhibitions’ intentions, in terms of jewellery selection and presentation? 


Life Soup is a sobriquet for the prebiotic broth, the common denominator of every known life form. It is meant to be a delicious, ongoing encounter with several flavours. Each piece is an ingredient that flourishes and spices the final stew. Even though they meet in the same pot, they were cooked in different kitchens, with different methods. All tastes are to be relished! 


Could you tell us about the list of artists? What brings this group together? 


The selection of artists is wide – it takes a lot of fire to boil 120 square metres. From recently graduated to affirmed in the fashion industry, and including multidisciplinary artists, the exhibition gathers many ways to do jewellery. Rather than a strictly defined curation, it’s more of a gluttonous one. 

Maxime Leblanc ignited the spark as soon as he found a special mixture to play with. Marguerite Bones then joined the project and gathered a team of more mixture experts excited by this unusual task: Colombe d’Humières, Margherita Chinchio, Lorette Colé Duprat, Guillaume Gouerou, Danielle Karlikoff, Simon Marsiglia, Keef Palas, Lisa Plaut and Florence Tétier. The brewing art is part improvisation, and while the soup is starting to fume, our magmatic substance will take its definitive form on the spot in Munich. We heard the jewellery crowd there is hungry for something savoury. 

This article was published in the online edition of Munich Jewellery Week 2020



Marguerite Bones, Margherita Chinchio, Lorette Colé Duprat, Colombe D’humières, Guillaume Gouerou, Danielle Karlikoff, Maxime Leblanc, LowLov, Florence Tétier, Lisa Plaut & guests 

Kreative Quartier, Halle 6 

Dachauer Straße 112, Munich, Germany 

Vernissage 2.03 19:00 

Jazz concert 13.03 19:30 

Thu 12:00-22:00 

Fri- Sun 12:00-19:00 


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