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For this year’s Munich Jewellery Week, we are looking back on the past five fabulous years of MJW with 20/20 vision. In the years that Current Obsession has been a part of this celebration of contemporary jewellery’s diverse perspectives, we have come to know and love so many of you – not only for your forever-fascinating art, but also for the spark that each member of this international community brings to the table. We hold every venue, artist, instigator and jewel close to our hearts. This year, in an effort to dive a little deeper into the stories behind the shows, we are sharing some of the shows that we think exemplify this year’s thrilling MJW line-up, alongside a few mini-tidbits from the curators and artists that are making them happen. Here’s to all of you! And to the next 5, 10, and 100 years of Munich Jewellery Week.

Tobias Birgersson, The 9th inning


Could you tell me more about the title, Sharing is Caring and why you chose it? 


I have been programming director for the BA program at HDK metal art for four years now, during those years I have travelled to America, the UK, Germany and Estonia. I saw similarities and of course differences between the education systems during that time. 

This sharing project was conceived out of a frustration with the current political systems (Trump and Brexit), that are working against the makers, therefore making it difficult to coexist. We don’t have a real agreement with the UK/ The Hereford school, or the SIU carbondale in Illinois but in spite of the political climate, we still do collaborations and teacher exchange. 


Sharing is Caring is actually an exhibition, within the realm of metal, produced by the faculty members for the four schools. We have all taught at each others schools, therefore we share, as makers, with each other and with each others’ students. We believe that we should do things together, that we should share knowledge, that we should share culture. 


It’s not a big bold plan. It is a simple belief that we are stronger together, that we can and we should relate to people across borders. 


Why do you think it’s important to show your work during MJW? 

I have been going to the jewellery week for 11 years in a row, for me it is a melting pot for craft culture. 


I have the feeling that the jewellery week has been growing and growing. I feel that ‘Sharing and Caring’ could be too. 


Makers of ceramics, glass and hollowware, are all interested with interacting with society as a whole, we are not content with only being in our own bubble, therefore as a maker and as a teacher i think it’s important to interact with the platforms, MJW is one platform. These different platforms say different things, for me jewellery week is much more instrumental, it’s much more alive, not the Schmuck, I’m talking about what happens in the town in Munich. So for us to be associated with that, it is fantastic. Our element is Schmuck week, it is where other makers that are connected to a craft or related to a craft go.

Heiner Zimmermann, face craft
Heiner Zimmermann, face craft

This article was published in the online edition of Munich Jewellery Week 2020



Prof. Heiner Zimmermann, Tobias Birgersson, Karl Hallberg, Lina Söderberg, Prof. Rick Smith, Urmas Lüüs, Nils Hint, Eve Margus-Villems, Piret Hirv, John Grayson, Ambrose Burne 

Englischer Garten 1A 

12.03 -15.03 

Opening 12.03 18:00 

Wed-Sat 11:00-20:00, Sun 12:00-15:00 


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