SACRED BONDAGE TIES are multifunctional, pleasurable and sacred devices. It is a rope to tie yourself together; to re-connect on a deeper level with partner(s) or a stranger. It is a marital jewel, used in sacred rites like full-body bondage weddings. SACRED BONDAGE TIES are made for you & your beloved one to take vows (seriously or not) and to get together, tight & embalming, in a FULL BODY COMMITMENT with each other. While playing around with the these sacred ribbons you enter a realm between comfort and confrontation, ease and dis-ease, pleasure & pain. In the nexus of love(rs) and the body, little or longer trip begins in which you can come together and as one, (or as two, three, four – whatever holds your fancy). SACRED BONDAGE TIES also cater to individuals who want to get together with themselves; marrying yourself like this might be the best thing you ever did.
Historically, lustrous ropes like these have been used in handfasting; a 16th century term for for “betrothal” or “wedding” that has come to be used as a replacement for “marriage” in the vocabulary of Neopaganism since the 1990’s – especially in Wicca where the ritual symbolizes vows for a lifetime, for all of eternity or for as long as love shall last. Bondage, is the consensually tying, binding, or restraining of some-one for erotic, aesthetic, and/or somatosensory stimulation – it is an often misunderstood art of transformation and discovery.
SACRED BONDAGE TIES unite the sacred vows of love & bondage; they hand the pleasures of commitment over to you.
2015, Jasper Griepink & Janneke Raaphorst