Yun Sun Jang

“Life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.”[1]
Social alienation, a feeling of being partly connected to, and at the same time, alienated from our surroundings, is like floating in a spacesuit. I was inspired by the idea that such a spacesuit provides room in which you can live, breathe, and communicate, but simultaneously alienate you from the space around you. With this idea, I came up with jewellery which creates a space both around the wearer’s body and the piece itself. I imagine wearing it will create a bubble and, at the same time, a spiritual and physical space on the body, and this pure space – a halo-like protection – can help the wearer feel safe. The jewellery thus plays a central role in creating the space, that is to say, a thin line is built from the jewellery and delineates the space around the body.
Like Virginia Woolf’s ‘luminous halo’ my work covers the wearer’s body and mind, like a warm blanket. [1]Woolf, V. The Common Reader (1925), ‘Modern Fiction’
Honggang Lu
LUNAR ECLIPSE, A collection of adornment for your eyes

The way you pull your hair behind your ears;
The way you rest your face on your hands;
The way you take your magnifying glass from your breast pocket;
The way you place your wrist over your eyes…
These actions make your eyewear become the most beautiful jewellery; your eyes become the most beautiful gem.
I like to observe different ways people position their hands near their face. These observations connect the hand to the jewellery, to the eyewear, to the face. The method of wearing these eyewear pieces varies the interaction between the jewellery and the wearer; as well as offering different ways of placing hands around their face and body.
Photo credits
Photographer: Karolina Lebek, Stylist: Hyekun Lily Park, Model: Sandra Haydee Alonso, Xiaoxu Wu
Sandra Haydee Alonso
AD 2215

Homo sapiens no longer exist.
We were not a weak race; we simply adapted to inevitability. Technological developments pushed us to the brink of isolation. Living beings are not meant to live a life of solitude, so we regenerated into two conjoined beings. The only way we survive, is if we are one.
Darwinism ensued.
Photo credits
Photos: Juuke Schoorl, Stylist: Shair Bashir, Models: Elizaveta Gnatchenko, Luli Perez
Emily Goodaker
Spots, Dots and Stripes

A vibrant trio of mineral inspired jewellery -dalmatian jasper, polka-dot agate and minty Zoisite. Displaying unique palettes of raw stones, which have been diamond-sliced, accurately machine-milled and hand-embellished with silver or gold inlay. These processes enhance the natural characteristics of individual stones, appropriately highlighting their spots, dots and stripes within the context of each collection.
Photo credits:
Photographer: Dominic Tschudin, Model: Cara George
Kaat de Groef

A bead might not only be the most used shape within jewellery, it is as well so familiar that everyone can relate to it. Its simple spherical shape can be seen as a small sculpture: perfect and complete. Through the concept of beads I explore the relationship between jewellery and the wearer. By altering its surface and changing its place of contact I play with the tactile experience of wearing jewellery. The collection focuses on the bead’s touch on the skin in order to trigger a heightened awareness of the body.
Photo Credits:
Photos: John Mcgrath, Model: Angela, Hair & Make up: Siwan Hill
Materials: Bone China Porcelain, Swarovski Crystal Pearls, Silk, Sterling Silver.
Boky Lee

Boky designs wearable, classy and witty jewellery, and contain different functions within the pieces. Her current collection, ‘Mirage’, is inspired by scaffolding which consists of highly organised and planned structural objects, and their connection parts that are used in connecting pipes. She believes that the basic role of jewellery is to temporarily support the human body and mind, in a similar way as scaffolding does for a building. These current pieces express her take on this principle, as it shares similar aspects and configuration. While being playful it also takes into consideration her view on aesthetics in buildings, jewellery and the wearer.
Photo credits:
Photographer: Sylvain Deleu, Hair&Make up: Hyekun Lily Park, Model: Ramune Mickeviciute