Appreciated for its experimental approach and unconventional style, Current Obsession earned a reputation of inspirators and influencers in the field of jewellery. And that is precisely why we came up with this unique workshop: rooted in a creative rebellion against the age-old ways in which contemporary jewellery is presented and photographed, the workshop strives to demonstrate the power of storytelling that ‘activates’ the work, once it’s placed in the right context.

As a result, each designer will gain a better practical and conceptual understanding of how editorial images are created and receive a stunning photographic series featuring their work – ready to sparkle up any portfolio, website or a social media campaign.

The purpose of the workshop is to help each participant find a visual language to express ideas behind their work in the best possible way.

Our workshop looks at how magazines and brands create their campaigns and editorials. Together with the participants, we look into what is an editorial, analyse different examples, and learn about the importance of creating the right context for their work. We discuss storytelling, atmosphere, tone of voice – that collectively amount to certain viewer experiences. Participants learn the insights into how different contexts could affect the way the work is perceived: a garment or a piece of jewellery shot on different backgrounds, on different models, etc. We learn about these tools and ways to use them in the future.

The end result is a final project, where the strategies we’ve discovered are applied to a particular series or a collection. Current Obsession helps art-direct each individual collection, and in collaboration with a range of talented photographers, delivers stunning results.

We think our workshops would be useful for designers launching their new collections or considering revamping existing ones, students, and recent graduates building their portfolios. Get in touch with us via for more information.

*The image is one of the results of our recent workshop at San Diego State University.
Jewellery by Leslie Shershow, Kelly Temple, Rex Arthur Ramos, Petra Winnwaker, Messa Zheng, Julia Schechner, Meredith Habermann
Photography by Roch Armando